rambling thoughts on New Year's Resolutions
am so sick of the disabled community and the lack of respect that is shown to one another. My New Year’s resolution is to try and show a little bit more respect to those who deserve it, by virtue of they’re being who they are!
I know I said I was not going to write more here. But, yesterday, when I was reading my list mail, someone wrote something on the MSB list that really ticked me off. (Tom, if you’re still there, I hope you’ll say something.) The moderator asked if anyone knew a person who was asking to join the group, which is a legitimate question, as he would not know some of the people who were younger or older than himself. What happened then, is this one person who I think is the biggest asshole I’ve ever met, had the gall to say that there were people who were sighted who were trying to join this group, looking for someone. One of the other guys then went on to say that in his work at the Michigan Rehab Training Center, he had encountered people who had high enough vision to drive, who had driven themselves to training.
Sometimes, I think people just don’t stop and take a moment to think about what it is they’re saying. Are you going to tell me that two of the people I know are on that list have no rite to be there, because they can drive? One admits he had no rite to probably be at the school in the first place. It had been a decision between his eye doctor and his parents that he would attend there. But, Tom, for anyone to say you have no rite to drive, let alone be part of the group? Give me a break! You worked too hard at trying to survive, let alone you have more “vision” in more ways than one than most of the people there! I would have written something on the group. However, I didn’t trust my mind, let alone my fingers with what I wanted to say.
On two of my lists, we’ve been dealing with a problem of a different sort. However, it’s an issue of grief. My friend and fellow logger Suzanne R. just found out yesterday that her mother passed away. Suzanne, I hope you know our thoughts and prayers are with you over here. If anyone wants to drop a note to her on her blog, it’s http://newsuzannerslife.blogspot.com Know that if anyone does do that, everyone who is heare was invited by me in the first place, Sweetie.
May we all try to express love in a deeper and more positive way in 2008.
I know I said I was not going to write more here. But, yesterday, when I was reading my list mail, someone wrote something on the MSB list that really ticked me off. (Tom, if you’re still there, I hope you’ll say something.) The moderator asked if anyone knew a person who was asking to join the group, which is a legitimate question, as he would not know some of the people who were younger or older than himself. What happened then, is this one person who I think is the biggest asshole I’ve ever met, had the gall to say that there were people who were sighted who were trying to join this group, looking for someone. One of the other guys then went on to say that in his work at the Michigan Rehab Training Center, he had encountered people who had high enough vision to drive, who had driven themselves to training.
Sometimes, I think people just don’t stop and take a moment to think about what it is they’re saying. Are you going to tell me that two of the people I know are on that list have no rite to be there, because they can drive? One admits he had no rite to probably be at the school in the first place. It had been a decision between his eye doctor and his parents that he would attend there. But, Tom, for anyone to say you have no rite to drive, let alone be part of the group? Give me a break! You worked too hard at trying to survive, let alone you have more “vision” in more ways than one than most of the people there! I would have written something on the group. However, I didn’t trust my mind, let alone my fingers with what I wanted to say.
On two of my lists, we’ve been dealing with a problem of a different sort. However, it’s an issue of grief. My friend and fellow logger Suzanne R. just found out yesterday that her mother passed away. Suzanne, I hope you know our thoughts and prayers are with you over here. If anyone wants to drop a note to her on her blog, it’s http://newsuzannerslife.blogspot.com Know that if anyone does do that, everyone who is heare was invited by me in the first place, Sweetie.
May we all try to express love in a deeper and more positive way in 2008.