
This is my healing journal.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'll have a McMoment, please?

I know. Fast Food is not healthy for you. However, what happens inside some of those places is.

I don't know how many times I've gotten the post about the woman who feeds the two homeless men breakfast, or the one about the guy walking around the country with Bibles to hand out, or the children who order ice cream after the little boy prays for his mother to do so. Who knows whether any of those stories are true. However, most of the time, when you go into one of those places, you see way too many people behaving badly.

Whenever I'm on worship team between the months of September and July, Bert and I are invariably seen cutting out of the church parking lot after worship team rehearsal and going to one of the fast food places to grab breakfast before church. We've been frequenting the McDonalds by the church more and more of late.

About a month ago, we went into McDonalds, bought our meal, sat down, blest the meal before we began to eat and began talking about the mundane things that had been happening through the week. Suddenly, one of the counter help came over and told us what a blessing we were to her and the other Christians who work there on Sunday, because we came through the line and treated everyone decently and then prayed over our meal. She said that a lot of times, they see people coming through the line behaving so badly and then praying over their meal. How sad!

We walked out of there, more determined than we had been before to always display that servan'ts attitude. I like how in "The Traveler's Gift" Andy Andrews has King Soloman point out the obvious that when you treat someone with the attitude of a servant, you truly will become a king. But, when you start treating people like you own them, you will lose your position of power. May I always remember the importance of treating people always with kindness.



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